. . . . . . . "[We analyzed the involvement of eight polymorphisms in genes related to folic-acid metabolism, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD1), transcobalamin (TCN2), reduced folate carrier (RFC), nicotinamide-N-methyltransferase (NNMT) and natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA) as risk factors of conotruncal heart defects.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en . . . . . "2017-02-19"^^ . . "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en . "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en . "2017-10-17T13:19:28+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "v5.0.0.0" . "v5.0.0" .