@prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix np: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix nt: . @prefix npx: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix orcid: . @prefix ns1: . @prefix prov: . @prefix foaf: . sub:Head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { sub:assertion dct:description "FAIR Mapping of SSSOM, the datamodel for Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings."; a nt:AssertionTemplate, nt:UnlistedTemplate; rdfs:label "SSSOM FAIR Mapping"; nt:hasRequiredPubinfoElement ns1:RA_R5w4lZ-6xuZyylG8qSlMhmWBaTE41-zlhiBVUQblCc; nt:hasStatement sub:st01, sub:st02, sub:st03, sub:st04, sub:st05, sub:st06, sub:st07, sub:st08, sub:st09, sub:st10, sub:st11, sub:st12, sub:st13, sub:st14, sub:st15, sub:st16, sub:st17, sub:st18, sub:st19, sub:st20, sub:st21, sub:st22, sub:st23, sub:st24, sub:st25, sub:st26, sub:st27, sub:st28, sub:st29, sub:st30, sub:st31, sub:st32, sub:st33, sub:st34, sub:st35, sub:st36, sub:st37, sub:st38, sub:st39, sub:st40, sub:st41, sub:st42, sub:st43, sub:st44, sub:st45; nt:hasTag "FAIR Mapping"; nt:hasTargetNamespace ; nt:hasTargetNanopubType . sub:author_id a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "ORCID or ID of the mapping author" . sub:author_label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Author of the mapping" . sub:comment a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Any other notes" . sub:confidence a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Confidence match score between 0 and 1 (totally correct)" . sub:creator_id a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "ORCID or ID of the mapping creator" . sub:creator_label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Creator of the mapping" . sub:curation_rule a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Complex condition that led to mapping establishment" . sub:curation_rule_text a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Curation rule text" . sub:issue_tracker_item a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Issue tracker item discussing this mapping" . sub:license a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "URL to the mapping license" . sub:mapping a nt:IntroducedResource, nt:LocalResource . sub:mapping_cardinality a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Subject to object mapping (1:1, 1:n, n:1, 1:0, 0:1, n:n)" . sub:mapping_date a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Date the mapping was asserted"; nt:hasRegex "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" . sub:mapping_justification a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Justification mapping is right or reasonable"; nt:possibleValue , , , , , , , . sub:mapping_provider a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "URL to the source providing the mapping" . sub:mapping_source a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Mapping set the mapping was originally defined in" . sub:mapping_tool a nt:ValuePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Tool or algorithm used to generate the mapping" . sub:mapping_tool_version a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Version of mapping tool" . sub:match_string a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "String shared by subject/object" . sub:object_category a nt:ValuePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Conceptual category where the subject belongs to" . sub:object_id a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "ID of the object of the mapping" . sub:object_label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Label of object of the mapping" . sub:object_match_field a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Object properties (annotations) used for the match" . sub:object_preprocessing a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Preprocessing applied to the fields of the object" . sub:object_source a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "URI of vocabulary or identifier source for the object" . sub:object_source_version a nt:ValuePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Version IRI or version string of the source of the object term" . sub:object_type a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Type of entity being mapped"; nt:possibleValue , , , , , , , , , , . sub:other a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "List of key value pairs for properties not part of the SSSOM spec" . sub:predicate_id a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder; rdfs:label "ID of the predicate"; nt:possibleValue , , , , , , , , , , . sub:predicate_label a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Label of the predicate/relation of the mapping"; nt:possibleValue sub:broadMatch, sub:closeMatch, sub:equivalentClass, sub:equivalentProperty, sub:exactMatch, sub:narrowMatch, sub:relatedMatch, sub:sameAs, sub:seeAlso, sub:subClassOf, sub:subPropertyOf . sub:predicate_modifier a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Modifier for negating the prediate (Value: Not)" . sub:publication_date a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Date the mapping was published"; nt:hasRegex "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" . sub:reviewer_id a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "ORCID or ID of the mapping reviewer" . sub:reviewer_label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Reviewer of the mapping" . sub:see_also a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "URL specific for the mapping instance" . sub:semantic_similarity_measure a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Measure used for computing semantic similarity score" . sub:semantic_similarity_score a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Score between 0 and 1 (equivalence) denoting the semantic similarity" . sub:st01 rdf:object ; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a rdf:Statement . sub:st02 rdf:object sub:subject_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a rdf:Statement . sub:st03 rdf:object sub:subject_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st04 rdf:object sub:subject_category; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st05 rdf:object sub:predicate_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a rdf:Statement . sub:st06 rdf:object sub:predicate_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st07 rdf:object sub:predicate_modifier; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st08 rdf:object sub:object_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a rdf:Statement . sub:st09 rdf:object sub:object_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st10 rdf:object sub:object_category; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st11 rdf:object sub:mapping_justification; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a rdf:Statement . sub:st12 rdf:object sub:author_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st13 rdf:object sub:author_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st14 rdf:object sub:reviewer_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st15 rdf:object sub:reviewer_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st16 rdf:object sub:creator_id; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st17 rdf:object sub:creator_label; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st18 rdf:object sub:license; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st19 rdf:object sub:subject_type; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st20 rdf:object sub:subject_source; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st21 rdf:object sub:subject_source_version; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st22 rdf:object sub:object_type; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st23 rdf:object sub:object_source; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st24 rdf:object sub:object_source_version; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st25 rdf:object sub:mapping_provider; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st26 rdf:object sub:mapping_source; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st27 rdf:object sub:mapping_cardinality; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st28 rdf:object sub:mapping_tool; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st29 rdf:object sub:mapping_tool_version; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st30 rdf:object sub:mapping_date; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st31 rdf:object sub:publication_date; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st32 rdf:object sub:confidence; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st33 rdf:object sub:curation_rule; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st34 rdf:object sub:curation_rule_text; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st35 rdf:object sub:subject_match_field; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st36 rdf:object sub:object_match_field; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st37 rdf:object sub:match_string; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st38 rdf:object sub:subject_preprocessing; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st39 rdf:object sub:object_preprocessing; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st40 rdf:object sub:semantic_similarity_score; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st41 rdf:object sub:semantic_similarity_measure; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st42 rdf:object sub:see_also; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement, nt:RepeatableStatement . sub:st43 rdf:object sub:issue_tracker_item; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st44 rdf:object sub:other; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:st45 rdf:object sub:comment; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject sub:mapping; a nt:OptionalStatement . sub:subject_category a nt:ValuePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Conceptual category where the subject belongs to" . sub:subject_id a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "ID of the subject of the mapping" . sub:subject_label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Label of subject of the mapping" . sub:subject_match_field a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Subject properties (annotations) used for the match" . sub:subject_preprocessing a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "Preprocessing applied to the fields of the subject" . sub:subject_source a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "URI of vocabulary or identifier source for the subject" . sub:subject_source_version a nt:ValuePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Version IRI or version string of the source of the subject term" . sub:subject_type a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder; rdfs:label "Type of entity being mapped"; nt:possibleValue , , , , , , , , , , . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0002-1297-3104 . } sub:pubinfo { orcid:0000-0002-1297-3104 foaf:name "Anastasios Papadiamantis" . sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA"; npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDLrgIs0zCX11YIad1vf4iKrxmu/l3phA4ES5BixalXnpd5LD/znJ3GlB95mZ/KOrhGhBZyj39QaZVpQQuPTsqmigo4blW6FtTc0iWkFSNEj6dyWeavF9nJ0cSr7k6KEx3i8ue+O53k2lmF/UzG/w0cOSV71T3qVBFPupy5WMCTwwIDAQAB"; npx:hasSignature "D85mGnisnA3GpfNNRLMUraYNePrubjLRoD7ErDOFq6tOe59SDbCpoL29Qgg6cVieWuEFExHYpthIJHcynhcsjNAcw4QMRDSs8LIVqVjCDwOG7mvDqeOzUeg0pQAaIs3HaDiVZIGvwzDQUffWWmeR0g0tEg2e/dIKWMZWvlrmRNw="; npx:hasSignatureTarget this:; npx:signedBy orcid:0000-0002-1297-3104 . this: dct:created "2024-06-19T15:26:25.285Z"^^xsd:dateTime; dct:creator orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234, orcid:0000-0002-1297-3104, orcid:0000-0003-2195-3997, orcid:0000-0003-4250-4584; dct:license ; npx:supersedes ; npx:wasCreatedAt ; rdfs:label "Template: SSSOM FAIR Mapping"; prov:wasDerivedFrom ns1:RAntWwY-oLQ5QTSviLZrZ6GD6dniz-_skWtO-4_8031zU, ns1:RAtG8zeo_0OYP63K60rrot8vFOkHNOg_1_zu618NbL4pI, , , ; nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ns1:RANwQa4ICWS5SOjw7gp99nBpXBasapwtZF1fIM3H2gYTM; nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate ns1:RA2vCBXZf-icEcVRGhulJXugTGxpsV5yVr9yqCI1bQh4A, ns1:RAA2MfqdBCzmz9yVWjKLXNbyfBNcwsMmOqcNUxkk1maIM, ns1:RABngHbKpoJ3U9Nebc8mX_KUdv_vXw28EejqAyQya5zVA, ns1:RAh1gm83JiG5M6kDxXhaYT1l49nCzyrckMvTzcPn-iv90, ns1:RAjpBMlw3owYhJUBo3DtsuDlXsNAJ8cnGeWAutDVjuAuI; nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate ns1:RAJwu5sVubRqXY4t2gkSoGxWkMyZqnpkGTCPiTlmvi4so . }