. . . . "is an instance of" . "is used as defined in" . "has the name - links a taxon concept to a taxon name" . "Such a nanopublication expresses an identification of a given specimen, thereby assigning it to a taxon name." . . "Expressing an identification of a specimen with a taxon name" . . "${specimen} is identified as ${taxonname}" . . . . "Biodiversity" . . . "DOI (https://doi.org/10...) or other URL of the specimen" . . . . . . . . . . . . "the taxon concept" . . "publication DOI (https://doi.org/...) or taxon treatment ID (https://treatment.plazi.org/id/...)" . "(https://doi.org/|https://treatment.plazi.org/id/).+" . . "search and select from list (if not found, paste identifying URI from IPNI, MycoBank, Index Fungorum, or Zoobank)" . "https://vodex.petapico.org/nidx/query?rows=100&q=label:" . . "Tobias Kuhn" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD4Wj537OijfOWVtsHMznuXKISqBhtGDQZfdO6pbb4hg9EHMcUFGTLbWaPrP783PHv8HMAAPjvEkHLaOHMIknqhaIa5236lfBO3r+ljVdYBElBcLvROmwG+ZGtmPNZf7lMhI15xf5TfoaSa84AFRd5J2EXekK6PhaFQhRm1IpSYtwIDAQAB" . "xun/CRwqI6JFku8rFQhXlCjfA6VnYQXvznoTM54zCvVk5A0mlUh3NDRC9UnAWI3SJh6dKRTwpmLE5j1M9+Ur5RaA15dBeU7m92ZYMJQ65e7rDYgF7LSCILaYwgwmM1cOYetF92PiiGFBwSc2kQLJIlzKVNMqA7REVQpr/IMB1V4=" . . . "2024-04-24T05:41:23.130Z"^^ . . . . "Template: Expressing an identification of a specimen with a taxon name" . . . . .