. . . . "High-speed sampler - Apstein (1906)"@en . "Automatic high-speed plankton sampler - Williamson (1962, 1963)"@en . "BIOMAPER-II - Wiebe et al (1999, 2002)"@en . "BIONESS 1m - Sameoto, Jaroszynski and Fraser (1979, 1980)"@en . "Modified opening-closing Bongo net - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976)"@en . "Opening-closing Bongo net - McGowan and Brown (1966)"@en . "Bottom plankton sampler - Omori (1969)"@en . "CalCOFI net - Ahlstrom (1948)"@en . "Catcher II high-speed sampler"@en . "Clarke-Bumpus plankton sampler - Clarke and Bumpus (1939, 1950)"@en . "Cod-end sampler - Motoda (1953)"@en . "Continuous Plankton Recorder - Hardy (1926, 1936); Glover (1962)"@en . "Discrete-depth plankton sampler - Aron et al. (1964)"@en . "Diver-pushed net - Porter (1973)"@en . "Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-1 - Grice and Huelsemann (1970)"@en . "Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-2 - Grice (1972)"@en . "Enlarged Clarke-Bumpus sampler - Yentsch et al. (1962)"@en . "Epi-benthic plankton sampler - Bossanyi (1951)"@en . "Mechanically opening-closing epi-benthic plankton sled - Wickstead (1953)"@en . "Foxton two-chamber cod-end - Currie (1962) Foston (1963)"@en . "Gimbal-ring zooplankton sampler - Kozasa (1984)"@en . "Gulf III high-speed sampler - Gehringer (1952)"@en . "Gulf V high-speed sampler - Arnold (1959)"@en . "Gulf VII Pro-net and MAFF-Guildline high-speed samplers - Nash et al. (1998)"@en . "Modified small Hardy Plankton Sampler - Miller (1961)"@en . "High-speed plankton sampler - Pierce (1937)"@en . "High-speed metal plankton net - Fry (1937)"@en . "High-speed net model III - Cassie (1956)"@en . "HOrizontal PLAnkton SAmpler - Ruetzler et al. (1980)"@en . "High-speed sampler - Zacharias (1907)"@en . "High speed-sampler - Monti (1910)"@en . "Horizontal ichthyoplankton tow-net system - Nester (1987)"@en . "Modified Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl with MPS cod-end - Pearcy and Hubbard (1964)"@en . "International Council for the Exploration of the Seas standard net - Ostenfeld and Jespersen (1924)"@en . "Indian Ocean standard net - Currie (1963)"@en . "Modified Juday net - Aksnes and Magnesen (1983)"@en . "Kitahara - Nakai (1962)"@en . "Longhurst-Hardy Plankton recorder - Longhurst et al (1966)"@en . "Modified Longhurt-Hardy Plankton Recorder - Haury et al. (1976)"@en . "Lowestoft frame trawl - Walker and Davies (1986)"@en . "Manta net - Brown and Cheng (1981)"@en . "Maruchi conical nets - Nakai (1962)"@en . "Marudai - Nakai (1962)"@en . "Marutoku - Nakai (1962)"@en . "Midwater neuston trawl - Zaitsev (1970)"@en . "Modified Multiple Plankton Sampler - Weikert and John (1981)"@en . "Multiple Plankton Sampler - Be et al. (1959); Be (1962)"@en . "MTD horizontal net - Motoda (1971)"@en . "N100 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938)"@en . "N50 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938)"@en . "Modified N70 net - Currie ans Foston (1957)"@en . "Discovery net N70 V net - Currie and Foxton (1956)"@en . "Neuston net - Lippincott and Thomas (1983)"@en . "Neuston net - David (1965)"@en . "Mini-neuston net - Schram et al. (1981)"@en . "Neuston net - Willis (1963)"@en . "Neuston sampler - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1969)"@en . "NIPR-I sampler - Fukuchi et al. (1979)"@en . "Modified North Pacific standard net - Motoda (1994)"@en . "N-series (N50, N70, N100, N200, N450) nets - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938)"@en . "Opening-closing mechanism for plankton nets - Bourdillon et al. (1978)"@en . "Horizontal opening-closing net - Bigelow (1913)"@en . "ORI nets - Omori (1965)"@en . "ORI-200 - Omori (1965)"@en . "Ocean Research Institute Vertical Muliple Plankton Sampler - Terazaki (1991)"@en . "Fixed in-current plankton net - Johannes et al (1970)"@en . "Small plankton sampler - Glover (1953)"@en . "Plankton-Bar - Tonolli (1951)"@en . "Planktonbenthos sampler - Hensen (1895)"@en . "PNS neuston net - Zaitsev (1961, 1970)"@en . "Reeve net - Reeve (1981)"@en . "Multiple Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8 - Roe and Shale (1979)"@en . "Tucker-style opening-closing Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 - Clarke (1969)"@en . "Horizontal self-closing net - Kofoid (1911, 1911, 1912)"@en . "Streamer Plankton sampler - Ishida (1963, 1964)"@en . "Surface plankton push net - Miller (1973)"@en . "Multiple-net Tucker Trawl - Frost and McCrone (1974)"@en . "Tucker Trawl - Tucker (1951)"@en . "Umbrella net - Rakusa-Suszczewski (1972)"@en . "Vertical and horizontal closing nets with flow meter - Nansen (1915)"@en . "Wishner Deep-Tow net system adapted for use on Alvin - Kim and Mullineaux (1998)"@en . "ORI-33 - Omori (1965)"@en . "Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKI"@en . "Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKII"@en . "KC Denmark AS small plankton net"@en . "Manta net"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Epi-benthic Sledge"@en . "British Antarctic Survey multiple plankton net system based on MOCNESS"@en . "Hydro-Bios MultiNet Mammoth"@en . "British Antarctic Survey NEuston MOdified {NEMO} microplastics net"@en . "Unspecified naturalists {rectangular} dredge"@en . "Semi-Balloon Otter Trawl"@en . "Unspecified epifaunal trawl"@en . "Marine Biological Association Channel Hunter Box Trawl"@en . "Marine Biological Association Modified Small Otter Trawl"@en . "Ifremer mesopelagos net"@en . "Conductivity, temperature and depth package"@en . "Neil Brown MK3 CTD"@en . "Plessey 9400 CTD"@en . "Lea float tide gauge"@en . "Mid-tide bubbler tide gauge"@en . "Wellhead tide gauge"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SM-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SIP-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 16 SEACAT C-T Recorder"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 53 BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder"@en . "Aanderaa RCM 11 Recording Current Meter"@en . "Aanderaa RCM 9 IW Recording Current Meter"@en . "Aanderaa WLR 7 Water Level Recorder"@en . "Neil Brown Smart CTD"@en . "Guildline Model 8770 Digital CTD"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 13 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 19 SEACAT CTD"@en . "Sequoia Laser In-Situ Sediment Size Transmissometer"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 19plus SEACAT CTD"@en . "Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka fluorometer"@en . "Chelsea Technologies Group 2-pi PAR irradiance sensor"@en . "RBR TR-1050 underwater temperature logger"@en . "Marsh McBirney 585 OEM electromagnetic flowmeter"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO BB(RT)D backscattering sensor"@en . "Dr.Haardt BackScat Fluorometer Model 1302"@en . "Biospherical QSR-240 surface PAR"@en . "Underwater PAR radiometer"@en . "Gyrocompass"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CM11 pyranometer"@en . "Sonic Gill R3A-100 Research sonic anemometer"@en . "Nortek Aquadopp 3D doppler current meter"@en . "SonTek Argonaut moored 3D doppler current meter"@en . "SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra acoustic doppler velocimeter"@en . "TSS HRP-2-25 compact motion sensor"@en . "SEBAPULS 30 radar water level recorder"@en . "Ott optical float tide gauge"@en . "Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 4175"@en . "Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 4130"@en . "Seapoint Turbidity Meter"@en . "Florida-Bahamas cable to 1990"@en . "Florida-Bahamas cable from 1990"@en . "LI-COR LI-192 PAR sensor"@en . "Falmouth Scientific Instruments ocean temperature module"@en . "Vaisala PTB100 barometric pressure sensor"@en . "Didcot/ELE DRP-5 PAR sensor"@en . "Simrad EM12 S-120 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Benthos PSA-916T Sonar Altimeter"@en . "Sunburst Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument Carbon Dioxide Sensor"@en . "HOBI HydroScat-2 Optical Backscatter Fluorometer"@en . "Chelsea Instruments FASTtracka I Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer"@en . "Neil Brown MK2 conductivity temperature and depth system"@en . "Meerestechnik OTS-1200 CTD"@en . "Applied Microsystems conductivity and temperature array"@en . "Interocean S4R current meter"@en . "Interocean S4DW current meter directional wave monitor"@en . "Teledyne RDI 300kHz Narrowband Vessel-Mounted ADCP"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star transmissometer"@en . "Aanderaa RDCP 600 Recording Doppler Current Profiler"@en . "Aanderaa doppler current sensor 4100"@en . "Falmouth Scientific Instruments NXIC CTD Series"@en . "Vemco Minilog8 temperature recorder"@en . "Omni Tinytalk TK-0040 temperature recorder"@en . "SeaTech S131 fluorometer"@en . "Turner Designs SCUFA II Submersible Fluorometer"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 45 MicroTSG thermosalinograph"@en . "Young MA05106 Wind Monitor anemometer"@en . "Gill Windsonic anemometer"@en . "Simrad EK-60 echosounder"@en . "Chernikeeff Aquaprobe Mk5 electromagnetic speed log"@en . "Aanderaa RCM 4/5 temperature and salinity recorders"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 917plus CTD"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor"@en . "Young 05305 Wind Monitor-AQ anemometer"@en . "Setra CS100 barometer"@en . "Hugrun Seamon Mini temperature recorder"@en . "Gemini Tinytag plus TGP-0050 temperature recorder"@en . "NKE SP2T temperature and depth recorder"@en . "National Institute of Oceanography plastic reversing water bottle"@en . "Mercury reversing thermometer"@en . "SiS RTM 4002 X digital reversing thermometer"@en . "Plessey Environmental Systems 6230N bench salinometer"@en . "Alpkem RFA/2 colorimetric autoanalyser"@en . "Unicam SP500 spectrophotometer"@en . "Young 05103 Wind Monitor anemometer"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican T-5 XBT probe"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican T-7 XBT probe"@en . "Fugro Oceanor Wavescan buoy meteorological package"@en . "Datawell directional waverider buoy"@en . "RD200A echosounder"@en . "OceanData TSG103 thermosalinograph"@en . "University of Liverpool cathodic stripping voltammetry metal analyser"@en . "Barometer"@en . "Biospherical QCD-905L underwater PAR sensor"@en . "ASL Environmental Sciences IPS4 Ice Profiler Sonar"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel-600 ADCP"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel-300 ADCP"@en . "Aerodyne High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer"@en . "Coastal Leasing MacroTide+ water level recorder"@en . "IXSEA Photonic Inertial Navigation System"@en . "Aanderaa Seaguard Recording Current Meter"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) EA600 Echosounder"@en . "Valeport 740 tide gauge"@en . "Magee Scientific AE1 Aethalometer"@en . "Analogue tide gauge"@en . "Grundy Environmental 6620 thermosalinograph"@en . "Chelsea Technologies Group MINIpack CTD-F"@en . "C&C Technologies C-Nav3050 satellite positioning system receiver"@en . "Manchester Centre for Atmospheric Science Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser"@en . "Hydrophone"@en . "Bolt Technology Corporation 1500-LL air gun"@en . "Institut Francais du Petrole Flexotir seismic source"@en . "Institut Francais du Petrole Geomecanique hydrophone array"@en . "Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 75kHz vessel-mounted ADCP"@en . "Turner Designs Cyclops-7 chlorophyll fluorometer"@en . "Turner Designs Cyclops-7 phycocyanin cyanobacteria fluorometer"@en . "Turner Designs Cyclops-7 coloured dissolved organic matter fluorometer"@en . "National Oceanography Centre Nitrate Sensor SUV6"@en . "Christian Albrechts University of Kiel Multisonde CTD profiler"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 150 kHz Doppler Velocity Log"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler Velocity Log and current profiler"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler Velocity Log, current profiler and pressure sensor"@en . "EnviroTech LLC Aqua Monitor Smart Water Sampler"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) EM 1002 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) EM 120 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Ashtech ADU5 Global Positioning System receiver"@en . "Nortek Aquadopp 400 kHz Doppler current profiler"@en . "Simrad EM12D multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kipp and Zonen PAR LITE radiometer"@en . "Vaisala PTB 210 digital barometer"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO VSF optical backscatter meter"@en . "Paroscientific 410K Pressure Transducer"@en . "Droplet Measurement Technologies Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP) 100"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 917 CTD"@en . "Skye Instruments SKE510 PAR energy sensor"@en . "Niskin bottle"@en . "Alpkem RFA-300 colorimetric autoanalyser"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 4C conductivity sensor"@en . "TSI 3800 Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer"@en . "Pall AcroPak 200 filter cartridge"@en . "TSI 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer"@en . "Chelsea Technologies Group Alphatracka II transmissometer"@en . "Lever Action Niskin Bottle"@en . "Secchi disk"@en . "Applied Microsystems CTD-12 plus"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican T-4 XBT probe"@en . "University of Leeds compact Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion instrument"@en . "Meerestechnik Elektronik or MICSOS microstructure profiler"@en . "Sequoia Laser In-Situ Sediment Size Transmissometer model 100-B"@en . "Biospherical Instruments Profiling Reflectance Radiometer PRR-600"@en . "Varian 3300 Gas Chromatograph"@en . "SMRU Ltd CTD-Satellite Relay Data Logger 9000"@en . "Uncles direct reading current meter"@en . "Zullig Hydropolytester profiler"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTU(RT)D turbidity sensor"@en . "Guildline 8400 bench salinometer"@en . "Furuno GP32 Global Positioning System receiver"@en . "Turner Designs Trilogy fluorometer"@en . "World Precision Instruments UltraPath Ultraviolet spectrophotometer"@en . "Thermo Finnigan Neptune inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer"@en . "ThermoQuest Trace 2000 Gas Chromatograph"@en . "Hitachi High-Technologies U-2000 UV-Visible spectrophotometer"@en . "PerkinElmer AAnalyst 800 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer"@en . "Carlo-Erba NA-1500 elemental analyser"@en . "Precision Measurement Engineering SCAMP microstructure profiler"@en . "Paroscientific 415K Pressure Transducer"@en . "Nortek Aquadopp 6000 3D Doppler current meter"@en . "Agilent Integrated Autosampler I-AS"@en . "Marianda VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser"@en . "Flow injection chemiluminescence system with photon counting head"@en . "PerkinElmer Optima 4300 DV inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer"@en . "Thermo Finnigan AS3000 Autosampler"@en . "Satlantic Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser"@en . "Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 320+ Precise Heading, Attitude and Positioning Sensor"@en . "Kongsberg EM 122 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Rotronic Hygromet MP102H temperature and humidity probe"@en . "SPX Bran+Luebbe colorimetric Autoanalyser 3"@en . "Aanderaa conductivity sensor 3919B"@en . "Stand-alone pump"@en . "Autosampling and Recording Instrumental Environmental Sampler rosette water bottle"@en . "NIOZ PRISTINE ultraclean water sampler"@en . "General Oceanics GO-FLO water sampler"@en . "Friedinger bottle water sampler"@en . "Lasentec Partec 100 focused beam reflectance measurement particle sizer"@en . "SEAL Analytical QuAAtro Autoanalyser"@en . "Metrohm microAutolab potentiostat/galvanostat"@en . "Nu Instruments Plasma 1700 High Resolution Multi Collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer"@en . "Picarro L2130-I deltaD/delta18O Isotopic Water Analyzer"@en . "BD Biosciences FACSAria II Flow Cytometer"@en . "Nu Instruments Plasma I (HR) Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer"@en . "Ashtech G12 Global Positioning System receiver"@en . "Picarro L1102-i Isotopic Water Liquid Analyzer"@en . "Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft Bathysonde CTD profiler"@en . "Kipp and Zonen PQS1 PAR Quantum Sensor"@en . "Thermo Finnigan EA 1112 Flash Elemental Analyser"@en . "DTU Nutech GM-25-5A beta Multicounter system"@en . "Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net water bottle"@en . "Technicap NOEX bottle"@en . "National Institute of Oceanography water sampling bottle"@en . "University of East Anglia rainwater sampler"@en . "Transparent sample bottle"@en . "Plymouth Marine Laboratory Interfacial Sampler"@en . "Plymouth Marine Laboratory Near-Surface Sampling Device"@en . "YSI Model 57 Dissolved Oxygen Meter"@en . "High Volume Air Sampler"@en . "University of Manchester 4-stage Compact Cascade Impactor"@en . "Glass bottle and bung water sampler"@en . "RAPID ISOMAP-UK manual water sampler"@en . "GV Instruments Trace Gas Preconcentrator"@en . "IFM Kiel clean pumped sea water supply"@en . "BIOPROBE benthic lander"@en . "Thermo VG PQ ExCell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer"@en . "VG IsoPrep 18 water equilibration device"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-9 plus absorption and attenuation meter"@en . "Metrohm 765 Dosimat Burette"@en . "Teflon PFA manifold air sampler"@en . "Olympus BH2 series system microscope"@en . "Plessey recording current meter model M021"@en . "Star-Oddi DST centi-T Temperature Recorder"@en . "ThermoQuest Finnigan Trace Mass Spectrometer"@en . "NBA DNC-3 direct reading current meter"@en . "NBA DNC-2M recording current meter"@en . "Tedlar atmospheric sampling bag"@en . "Aanderaa thermistor chain"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican XCTD-1 probe"@en . "Institute of Oceanographic Sciences MkII bottom pressure recorder"@en . "Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment Mark II"@en . "Bangor Ocean Colour Sensor"@en . "Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 250kHz ADCP"@en . "Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 1MHz ADCP"@en . "Helzel Messtechnik WERA HF Radar"@en . "Gill Instruments Intrinsically Safe WindObserver anemometer"@en . "Muir Matheson OMC-150 Combined Wind Speed and Direction Sensor"@en . "Eliasson CBME80 infrared laser diode cloud ceilometer"@en . "Suber SLS21 vector-averaging current meter"@en . "Hydrolab DataSonde 3 Water Quality Multiple Probe Logger"@en . "Burkard Scientific SFA 2000 colorimetric AA-II segmented flow analyser"@en . "Gill Instruments Ltd WindMaster ultrasonic anemometer"@en . "VIZ 1223 Radiosonde"@en . "Teleost Pressure Recorder"@en . "Cary Porter tide gauge"@en . "Sperry Marine NAVIGAT X MK 2 digital gyrocompass"@en . "Aanderaa conductivity sensor 4319B"@en . "Aanderaa WLR 5 Water Level Recorder"@en . "SIS Dissolved Oxygen Analyser"@en . "Beckman Coulter LS 6000 Series Scintillation System"@en . "Automated Coulometer (Robinson and Williams, 1992)"@en . "SeaTech 57S fluorometer"@en . "Valeport BFM 208 current meter"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 3F temperature sensor"@en . "Rockland Scientific Geo-electro magnetic current meter (GEMCM)"@en . "Skye SKP215 Quantum Sensor"@en . "Campbell Scientific 50Y Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe"@en . "Young 522 series Tipping Bucket Raingauge"@en . "Unknown beam trawl"@en . "GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger XYZ {MSCL-XYZ} core analyser"@en . "Bartington Magnetic Susceptibility MS2E point sensor"@en . "Dionex ICS-2500 ion chromatograph"@en . "Chelsea Technologies GLOWtracka bioluminescence"@en . "Seapoint Fluorescein Fluorometer"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 21 Thermosalinograph"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 41CP CTD"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor"@en . "Vaisala PTB220 Digital Barometer"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} Water Quality Monitor"@en . "Vaisala HMT310 temperature and humidity transmitter"@en . "GE Druck RPT 350 Resonant Pressure Transducer"@en . "FlowQuest 150 Long-range Acoustic Current Profiler"@en . "Vaisala WXT520 weather transmitter"@en . "Aquatech AQUAlogger 520P mini pressure logger"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 39-IM temperature recorder"@en . "CAE DV20/VV20 anemometer"@en . "CAE PMB2 rain/snow gauge"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 26plus SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder"@en . "Sperry Marine NAVIGAT X MK 1 digital gyrocompass"@en . "Skipper Electronics DL 850 Doppler speed log"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CNR1 Net Radiometer"@en . "LI-COR LI-7000 CO2/H20 gas analyser"@en . "Heise Model DXD Digital Output Pressure Transducer"@en . "Aanderaa temperature sensor 4060"@en . "Sparton AXBT"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican AXCTD"@en . "Lockheed Martin Sippican T-11 XBT probe"@en . "SMRU Ltd Satellite Relay Data Logger 9000x"@en . "Microstrain 3DM-GX1 Gyro Enhanced Orientation Sensor"@en . "Middleton Solar EQ08 Pyranometer"@en . "General Oceanics model 8050 pCO2 measuring system"@en . "Pico Technologies PT-104 Platinum Resistance Data Logger"@en . "RBR TWR-2050 Submersible Tide and Wave Recorder"@en . "RBR XR-620 CTD Profiler"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Quartermaster 150kHz ADCP"@en . "Navman Jupiter 32 GPS receiver module"@en . "YSI 6-series multiparameter water quality sondes"@en . "Hydrolabs Series 5 probes"@en . "Vaisala PTU30T Pressure and Temperature Transmitter"@en . "C and C Technologies C-Nav2050G satellite positioning system receiver"@en . "Kongsberg EM 300 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg EM 710 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Mariner 1200kHz ADCP"@en . "Applanix POSMV 320 global positioning system"@en . "Kongsberg Seapath 20 NAV"@en . "Kongsberg Seatex MRU-6"@en . "SeaBeam 2112 multibeam echo sounder"@en . "Trimble NT200D GPS receiver"@en . "Northstar 826 navigation system"@en . "Northstar 952 GPS receiver"@en . "Northstar 941X GPS receiver"@en . "Northstar 952X GPS receiver"@en . "Raytheon Raychart 320 GPS"@en . "Raytheon RD500 singlebeam echosounder"@en . "Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7125"@en . "TriOS RAMSES-ACC-VIS Hyperspectral UV-VIS Radiometer"@en . "FlowQuest 75 Ultra long-range Acoustic Current Profiler"@en . "Olympus IMT-2 series inverted microscope"@en . "Vaisala PA 11 digital barometer"@en . "Liquid Vial Forel-Ule Colour Comparator"@en . "McLane PARFLUX Mark78H-21 Sediment Traps"@en . "McLane PARFLUX Mark78HW-13 Sediment Traps"@en . "Gunther grab"@en . "Teledyne Benthos BFP 312 Bottom Finding pinger"@en . "Furuno DS 50 and DS 50T Doppler speed log"@en . "Furuno DS 80 Doppler speed log"@en . "Furuno FCV 582 video echosounder fish finder"@en . "Furuno Navigator GP37 Global Positioning System receivers"@en . "Furuno Navigator GP500 Global Positioning System receivers"@en . "Furuno Navigator GP90 and GP90D Global Positioning System receivers"@en . "Garmin GPS 16 and GPS 17 series Global Positioning System receivers"@en . "Aanderaa optode"@en . "Rosemount ST2401 temperature probe"@en . "TriOS RAMSES ACC-UV Hyperspectral UVA and UVB Radiometer"@en . "Biospherical Instruments QSR-2000 series quantum scalar reference sensors"@en . "Sperry Marine MK-27F Gyrocompass"@en . "Los Gatos Research N2O and CO 23d ICOS Analyser"@en . "Point quadrat"@en . "Gridded quadrat"@en . "AML Oceanographic Micro SV sound velocity probe"@en . "Hitachi U3010 UV-Visible scanning spectrophotometer"@en . "Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 4330 and 4330F"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 49 FastCAT CTD"@en . "SAMS C18 high performance liquid chromatograph and fluorometric detector"@en . "Geometrics G882 Marine magnetometer"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-s in-situ spectrophotometer"@en . "Neil Brown Smart acoustic current meter"@en . "Druck 2900 PSIA pressure sensor"@en . "NIOZ fast thermistor string"@en . "Trace Analytical RGA3 reduction gas analyser"@en . "Ecotech HiVol3000 air sampler"@en . "LI-COR LI-840A CO2/H2O gas analyser"@en . "Lachat QuikChem 8000 flow injection analyzer and Ion Chromatography (IC) system"@en . "Shimadzu Total Nitrogen Monoxide 1 (TNM-1)"@en . "Varian Vista-PRO (ICP-OES analysis)"@en . "BGS Waverley Sonar 3000 side scan sonar"@en . "RBR Concerto CTD"@en . "Simrad SM2000 FR Multibeam Echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) TOPAS PS018 sub-bottom profiler"@en . "Idronaut Ocean Seven 304 CTD"@en . "Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) 2000"@en . "Ultra Electronics 3-axis Fluxgate magnetometer"@en . "Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor - SeaWiFS"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CT-ODO with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series"@en . "Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 1200kHz Doppler Velocity Log"@en . "IXSea Magis magnetometer"@en . "Simrad GC80 and GC85 gyrocompass"@en . "Vaisala WAA15A cup anemometer"@en . "Sentek Northstar Navigator navigation system"@en . "Rockwell Collins PLGR 96 global positioning receiver"@en . "Teledyne TSS Meridian Surveyor gyrocompass"@en . "Sperry Marine MK39 inertial navigation system"@en . "Nortek Aquadopp Doppler current profiler"@en . "Knudsen Chirp 3260"@en . "Knudsen 320BP echosounder"@en . "Vaisala HMT300 humidity and temperature transmitters"@en . "Nortek 600 kHz acoustic wave and current profiler"@en . "Nortek acoustic wave and current profiler"@en . "Raven Starlink Invicta 210S global positioning system"@en . "Teledyne TSS Orion inertial navigation system"@en . "Yokogawa CMZ700B gyrocompass"@en . "Nortek Continental Doppler current profiler"@en . "Omega ON-950 44005 thermistor"@en . "PerkinElmer 2400 Series II CHNS and O elemental analyzer"@en . "Atlas Hydrographic Hydrosweep DS 2 multibeam echo sounder"@en . "Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory pCO2 underway system"@en . "LI-COR LI-840 CO2 and H2O gas analyser"@en . "Imagenex Delta T 837B 1000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder"@en . "Alec Electronics MDS-MkV/L light intensity recorder"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CM10 pyranometer"@en . "Vector Instruments air temperature sensor"@en . "Vector Instruments cup anemometer"@en . "Trimble 4000DS Global Positioning System receiver"@en . "Biotrack MK3 geolocator tags"@en . "Eppley UVB-1 pyranometer"@en . "Navico Simrad Yachting MX300 global positioning system"@en . "Navico Simrad Yachting MX420 global positioning system"@en . "McLane RAS-500 remote-access sampler"@en . "McLane RAS-100 remote-access sampler"@en . "Ocean Sonics icListen HF hydrophone"@en . "Digitron 2000 series 2028T Thermometer"@en . "Perkin-Elmer Model LAMBDA series 35 Spectrophotometer"@en . "Perkin-Elmer Model LAMBDA series 45 Spectrophotometer"@en . "Imagenex 853 Echo Sounder"@en . "Ultra Electronics SSQ907 Disposable Sonobuoy"@en . "Barringer M123 Marine Proton magnetometer"@en . "RPS MetOcean CM 04 PUV current meter"@en . "Mini-Hamon grab"@en . "Ocean Optics HR4000 spectrometer"@en . "Lambrecht Quatro NAV C1642 and CH1642 static weather sensors"@en . "Aanderaa 4531 oxygen optode"@en . "Hitachi U1800 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer"@en . "Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory automated oxygen titrator"@en . "JFE Compact-TD ATD-HR temperature and depth sensor"@en . "WP-2 net"@en . "WP-2-style net"@en . "Plymouth Marine Laboratory twin WP-2 Bongo net"@en . "Plymouth Marine Laboratory 63-um Bongo net"@en . "Dual Methot Isaacs-Kidd Trawl net"@en . "1-metre ring net"@en . "N113 (modified Indian Ocean standard net) - Foxton (1969)"@en . "Agassiz 3.5m trawl sampler"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Motion Compensated Bongo Net"@en . "British Antarctic Survey N70 Plankton Net"@en . "Lachat QuikChem 8500 flow injection analysis system"@en . "Young 41382 relative humidity and temperature probe"@en . "Young 61302 barometric pressure sensor"@en . "Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD series"@en . "Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD20"@en . "Vaisala RS92-SGP radiosonde"@en . "Valeport MIDAS water level recorder"@en . "Apollo SciTech AS-ALK2 total alkalinity titrator"@en . "University of Southampton ISAR SST radiometer"@en . "Thermo Scientific DELTA V isotope ratio mass spectrometers"@en . "PNI Tilt Compensated 3-Axis Compass Module TCM 2.5"@en . "RBR Solo T Temperature logger"@en . "Teledyne RDI 600kHz Workhorse Monitor direct-reading ADCP"@en . "Datawell MOSE-G1000"@en . "Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 110WX"@en . "Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 200WX"@en . "Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-VCPN)"@en . "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer"@en . "Operational Land Image"@en . "Optical Spectrograph and infrared Imager System"@en . "Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar"@en . "Single-frequency Solid-state Altimeter"@en . "Radar Altimeter"@en . "SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY"@en . "Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager"@en . "Sub-Millimetre Radiometer"@en . "Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager"@en . "Thermal Infrared Sensor"@en . "Thematic Mapper "@en . "VEGETATION"@en . "Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment - Fourier Transform Spectrometer"@en . "Active Microwave Instrument"@en . "Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2"@en . "Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit - A"@en . "Advanced SCATterometer"@en . "Along Track Scanning Radiometer - 1"@en . "Along Track Scanning Radiometer - 2"@en . "Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - 2"@en . "GEOSat Follow-On Radar Altimeter"@en . "Global Monitoring of Atmospheric Ozone"@en . "Global Monitoring of Atmospheric Ozone - 2"@en . "High-Resolution Stereoscopic instrument"@en . "Medium-Spectral Resolution, Imaging Spectrometer"@en . "Synthetic Aperture Radar X-band"@en . "Tekran 2500 CVAFS mercury detector"@en . "Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Imager (12-15)"@en . "MTECH Ceilometer 8200-CHS"@en . "Vaisala HMT 361 Humidity and temperature transmitters"@en . "Vaisala HMT 363 Humidity and temperature transmitters"@en . "Vaisala HMT 365 Humidity and temperature transmitters"@en . "Vaisala HMT 367 Humidity and temperature transmitters"@en . "National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Nitrate and Nitrite v3.2c Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor"@en . "Knudsen Chirp Rack sub-bottom profiling echosounder series"@en . "Knudsen Chirp Rack 3202 sub-bottom profiling echosounder"@en . "Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 2011 Model ocean bottom seismometer"@en . "Sonardyne Ranger 2 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system"@en . "Seal Analytical AutoAnalyser 3HR"@en . "BD Biosciences Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer"@en . "Biospherical Instruments C-OPS spectroradiometer system"@en . "Pro Oceanus CO2-Pro Submersible pCO2 Sensor"@en . "Star-Oddi DST Tilt platform orientation sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 39plus temperature sensor"@en . "Campbell Scientific CS456 pressure transducer"@en . "University of Rhode Island-Graduate School of Oceanography Inverted Echo Sounder (IES)"@en . "National Oceanography Centre Colorimetric Microfluidic pH sensor"@en . "Sea Data Inverted Echo Sounder (IES)"@en . "BD Biosciences Influx Cell Sorter"@en . "Kompressoren-Pumpen-Zentrale GMBH pump"@en . "Mettler Toledo SevenGo Portable Instruments"@en . "Marel M1100 industrial scales"@en . "Unisense pH microelectrode"@en . "Thermo Scientific Fluoroskan Ascent microplate fluorometer"@en . "Plymouth Marine Laboratory automated Winkler titration system"@en . "Sequoia LISST-100X particle sizer"@en . "TitraLab TIM90, ABU91/ABU93 automated titration system"@en . "ASL AZFP Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler"@en . "Vemco V13AP Coded Accelerometer Pressure Transmitter Tag"@en . "Vemco V16 Coded Transmitter Tag"@en . "Vemco V8 Coded Transmitter Tag"@en . "Vemco VR2AR Acoustic Release, Receiver and Transmitter"@en . "Vemco VR4-UWM Underwater Modem Receiver"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 25plus Sealogger CTD"@en . "Vemco VR2 Receiver"@en . "National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Nitrate and Nitrite v3.3c Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor"@en . "British Antarctic Survey (long) piston corer"@en . "British Antarctic Survey rock chipper"@en . "British Geological Survey RD1 5m (combined) rockdrill and vibrocorer"@en . "National Marine Facilities gravity corer"@en . "Unspecified box corer"@en . "Unspecified trigger corer"@en . "YSI 44203 (thermilinear network) temperature sensor"@en . "Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G1+G2 Glider Navigation data logger"@en . "Kongsberg Maritime Seaglider M1 Glider data logger"@en . "Biospherical Instruments QCP-2350 [underwater] PAR sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird CT Sail CTD"@en . "Oktopus MC8-12 multicorer"@en . "AutoFlux Logging System"@en . "University of Hamburg Airgun Seismic Reflection System"@en . "British Geological Survey Sparker Profiling System"@en . "Unspecified kasten corer"@en . "GEOMAR Ocean Bottom Hydrophone System"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Acoustic Towfish"@en . "GoPro Hero3 camera"@en . "Simrad EK80 echo sounder"@en . "Simrad Wideband Autonomous Transceiver (WBAT)"@en . "SeaFAST S2 Pico Automated Preconcentration System"@en . "Gill Windobserver 70 (ultrasonic) anemometer"@en . "Unspecified Petite ponar grab"@en . "Mettler Toledo FiveGo Portable Instruments"@en . "Mettler Toledo Delta 350 pH meter"@en . "Thermo Scientific ELEMENT XR high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer"@en . "Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation PB200 weather station"@en . "SignalQuest SQ-SI-360DA inclinometer"@en . "Septentrio AsteRx-m global positioning system"@en . "Brinno TLC200 time-lapse camera"@en . "Rockland Scientific MicroRider-1000 turbulence microstructure profiler"@en . "Metrohm 776 Dosimat Burette"@en . "Unspecified vibrocorer"@en . "Ohaus Adventurer Analytical and Precision balances"@en . "Aanderaa 4831F oxygen optode"@en . "Scientific Computer Instruments RaDeCC delayed coincidence counting system"@en . "Metrohm 665 Dosimat Burette"@en . "Aanderaa 4330 F oxygen optode"@en . "British Antarctic Survey Shipboard Three Component magnetometer"@en . "Unspecified Marine Snow Catcher"@en . "Unspecified Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 10 kHz echosounder"@en . "British Antarctic Survey prototype re-usable Sonic sonobuoy"@en . "Unspecified trammel net"@en . "Unspecified sonobuoy"@en . "British Geological Survey Deep Tow Boomer"@en . "Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 30 kHz side scan sonar"@en . "Sensoren Instrumente Systeme Digital Reversing Pressure Meter"@en . "Bowtech Aqua Vision L3C-550 colour camera"@en . "Unspecified Panasonic 3-chip camcorder"@en . "Unspecified conductivity sensor"@en . "METAS Underwater Stereo camera system"@en . "Biospherical Instruments QSP-2350 underwater PAR sensor"@en . "Trimble 5800 GPS System"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU(RT) combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor"@en . "GEMAX gravity corer"@en . "Thermo Scientific Finnigan DELTAplus Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer"@en . "Unspecified (XBT) expendable bathythermograph"@en . "Satlantic SeaFET V2 {Sea-Bird Scientific} (shallow) pH sensor"@en . "JFE Advantech Rinko III {ARO-CAV} oxygen sensor"@en . "KVH Industries C100 {Compass Engine} fluxgate compass"@en . "Garmin 19X global positioning system receiver series"@en . "Perkin Elmer Tri-Carb 2910TR (low activity) liquid scintillation counter"@en . "Aquatec AQUAlogger 210TY turbidity sensor series"@en . "Kongsberg Maritime CONTROS HydroC CH4 (underwater) methane sensor"@en . "Biospherical Instruments QSP-2150 underwater PAR sensor"@en . "Ernst Leitz Ortholux light microscope series"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-VMT scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BBFL2-IRB scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLK scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-SLC scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "AML Oceanographic X Metrec multiparameter CTD"@en . "SubCtech OceanPack RACE 5th generation {FerryBox} combined pCO2 analyser and underway system"@en . "National Oceanography Centre Spar Buoy [standard] capacitance wave wire buoy"@en . "McLane Research Laboratories PPS {Phytoplankton Sampler} water sampler"@en . "RM Young 32500 (electronic) magnetic compass"@en . "Scripps Institution of Oceanography ODF (automated) oxygen titrator"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CGR3 pyrgeometer"@en . "Satlantic Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System (HyperSAS) radiometer"@en . "Agilent 1200 Series Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography (RRLC) system"@en . "Metrohm 876 Dosimat plus Burette"@en . "Shimadzu RF-20 A fluorescence detector"@en . "Imagenex Delta T 837B (profiling) multibeam echosounder series"@en . "Imagenex Delta T 837B 120 kHz (profiling) multibeam echosounder"@en . "Imagenex Delta T 837B 4000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder"@en . "Septentrio PolaRx5 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver"@en . "Nanometrics Centaur Digital Recorder CTR4"@en . "Nanometrics Titan Ethernet Accelerograph"@en . "RBR Concerto APT Accelerometer and Bottom Pressure Recorder"@en . "Unknown semi-automated oxygen titration system"@en . "Unknown dissolved oxygen meter"@en . "Valeport Braystoke STM 500 temperature and salinity probe"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLBB scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "Imagenex 881A Digital Multi-Frequency (imaging) single-beam echosounder"@en . "CODAR SeaSonde continuous surface current mapping and wave monitoring HF radar system"@en . "University of Minnesota (automated) pH sensor"@en . "Sequoia LISST-200X particle size analyser"@en . "Unknown diver-operated sediment suction sampler - Rostron 1983"@en . "Unspecified sediment corer"@en . "Unspecified HAPS corer"@en . "SubCtech OceanPack RACE 5th generation {FerryBox} combined pCO2 analyser and microplastics sampler"@en . "Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-LCPH)"@en . "Sparton of Canada T-3 XBT probe"@en . "Sparton of Canada T-4 XBT probe"@en . "Sparton of Canada T-6 XBT probe"@en . "Sparton of Canada T-20 XBT probe"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTUS turbidity sensor"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTUSB turbidity sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat CTP (submersible) CTD sensor series"@en . "RBR DUO CT (submersible) CT logger series"@en . "RBR Solo D (submersible) pressure logger series"@en . "RBR XX-105 {TPOD} (submersible) temperature logger"@en . "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution VMCM 2 {ng-vmcm} (submersible) vector measuring current meter"@en . "Metek uSonic-3 Scientific {formerly: USA-1} ultrasonic anemometer"@en . "Unknown manual bilge pump"@en . "Zeiss Axioplan II (motorised) fluorescence microscope"@en . "BioSonics DT-X digital echosounder"@en . "AML Oceanographic X Series Plus X data logger"@en . "Custom-made Lexan plastic 6-plate settlement panel"@en . "Custom-made ceramic tile settlement plate"@en . "Custom-made 3M Scotch-Brite pad on polyvinyl chloride settlement plate"@en . "Impact Subsea ISA500 with Pitch, Roll and Heading (AHRS) Altimeter and echosounder"@en . "Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 3930 oxygen sensor"@en . "EdgeTech 4200 side scan sonar"@en . "HS Engineers series-2001 current meter"@en . "Pro-Oceanus HGTD-Pro {Hurricane} dissolved gas sensor"@en . "RM Young 05103 Wind Monitor 10A anemometer"@en . "RBR Quartz 3 BPR bottom pressure recorder"@en . "Rotronic AG HC-S3 XT temperature and humidity probe"@en . "Trimble NetR9 GNSS reference station"@en . "Valeport miniCTD DR CTD"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT)D fluorometer"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLB fluorometer"@en . "Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 A (Split-beam) echosounder"@en . "Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 D (Combined) echosounder"@en . "Turner Designs Cyclops-7F fluorometer"@en . "GEOMAR TP data logger"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IM-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SIP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "K.U.M. K-MT 234 (21 bottles) sediment trap"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SM-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP-IDO (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "Photo Research PR-650 SpectraScan Spectroradiometer"@en . "High density polyethylene water bottle"@en . "Teflon water bottle"@en . "Polycarbonate water bottle"@en . "Unspecified Reineck box corer"@en . "Kongsberg EA400 single-beam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg EM 3002 multibeam echosounder series"@en . "Nortek Signature 250 acoustic doppler current profiler"@en . "Unspecified telescope"@en . "PanGeo Subsea Sub-Bottom Imager (SBI) sub-bottom profiler"@en . "PanGeo Subsea Acoustic Corer (AC)"@en . "YSI Model 52 Dissolved Oxygen Meter"@en . "Geo-Resources Geo-Corer 3000 vibrocorer"@en . "Duncan and Associates Shipek grab"@en . "Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7101 multibeam echosounder"@en . "SEA SWATHplus-H multibeam echosounder"@en . "Sunburst Sensors Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument 2 {SAMI2-pH} seawater pH sensor"@en . "Valeport miniSVS sound velocity sensor"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLBB-RTD scattering and fluorescence sensor"@en . "High Tech Inc HTI 99-HF hydrophone"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CMP21 pyranometer"@en . "Ocean Sonics icListen AF hydrophone"@en . "Ocean Sonics icListen LF hydrophone"@en . "Satlantic MBARI-ISUS-X V2 ultraviolet spectrophotometer"@en . "Campbell Scientific CR800 data logger"@en . "Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus 6162C (cabled) weather station"@en . "Geosense BH-1 Version 5 corehole seismometer"@en . "National Oceanography Centre Autosub Long Range v2 {ALR} data logger"@en . "RM Young 85000 ultrasonic anemometer"@en . "Trimble ABX-Two gyrocompass"@en . "Sea Mammal Research Unit Fastloc GSM {GSMDL} GPS phone tag"@en . "Heitronics CT15 thermometer"@en . "Kongsberg EM 2040 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg EM 2040D multibeam echosounder"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU(RT)D combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor"@en . "Ocean Ecology Freshwater Housing Camera System"@en . "Unspecified plastic intertidal corer"@en . "Unspecified stainless steel intertidal corer"@en . "Braincon unknown model current meter"@en . "Kongsberg Maritime CONTROS HydroFlash O2 (underwater) oxygen optode"@en . "Pro-Oceanus Mini TDGP (submersible) dissolved gas sensor"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IMP-CT-ODO (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "Furuno GP-330B GPS/WAAS receiver antenna"@en . "Vaisala HMP45 humidity and temperature probe"@en . "Furuno GP-320B GPS/WAAS receiver antenna"@en . "Kongsberg K-Pos DP-11 dynamic positioning system"@en . "Teledyne TSS Meridian Standard gyrocompass"@en . "BellaMare LLC and University of Miami RSMAS In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System {ISIIS} - Cowen and Guigand (2008)"@en . "HORIBA Partica LA-960 laser scattering particle size distribution analyzer"@en . "Microtrac Bluewave particle size analyzer"@en . "Beckman Coulter LS13 320 particle size analyzer"@en . "Fritsch ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro particle size analyzer"@en . "Cilas 1190 particle size analyzer"@en . "bottom longline fishing line"@en . "Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 DEEP {UVP5} imaging sensor"@en . "unspecified PlanktoScope [custom build] imaging sensor - Pollina et al. (2020)"@en . "Ifremer-LDCM FastCAM (Prototype) Flow Imaging Microscope - Karlson et al. (2017)"@en . "CoastalOceanVision CPICS-1000-e imaging sensor"@en . "Sequoia Scientific LISST Holo 2 Digital Holographic Particle Imaging System"@en . "ZooCam imaging sensor - Colas et al. (2017)"@en . "JFE Advantech Rinko II {ARO-CAR/CAD} oxygen sensor"@en . "Naxys Ehyd 02345 ethernet hydrophone"@en . "Silicon Audio Low-Noise optical seismometer"@en . "Sonardyne Fetch 8306 sensor logging node"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CUV5 Total UV Radiometer"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) MS70 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CMP3 pyranometer"@en . "Rotronic Hygromer MP101 A temperature and humidity probe"@en . "Sperry Marine NAVIGAT 2100 gyrocompass"@en . "Krohne Optiflux 5000 flow sensor"@en . "AML Oceanographic P-Xchange pressure sensor series"@en . "Sunburst Sensors Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument pH {SAMI-pH} seawater and freshwater pH sensor series"@en . "Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 380 5+ global positioning and attitude sensor"@en . "Orolia Spectracom SecureSync clock synchroniser"@en . "Kongsberg Simrad HS50 GPS gyrocompass"@en . "Furuno GPS Navigator GP-31 GPS"@en . "Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 380 heading, attitude and positioning sensor series"@en . "Kongsberg Seatex Differential Positioning Sensor 112"@en . "Raytheon DSN-450 Doppler speed log"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTUS combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor"@en . "Coda Octopus F185 gyrocompass"@en . "Furuno SC-30 GPS receiver and gyrocompass"@en . "ESE ES-185 A Global Positioning System master clock"@en . "ESE ES-185 E Global Positioning System master clock"@en . "Onset HOBO TidbiT V2 {UTBI-001} temperature logger"@en . "OCEANO Instruments (MORS Environment) MC 3X0 rotor current meter"@en . "Unspecified sediment corer - Jonasson and Olausson (1966)"@en . "Simrad NSS evo3 echosounder and positioning system"@en . "National Oceanography Centre WireWall v2 sensor logging and control module"@en . "Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 Shallow {UVP5-Shallow} imaging sensor"@en . "Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada [custom] Bottom Pressure Recorder"@en . "RBR Cervata (submersible) data logger"@en . "Tska, Inc. WaDaR temperature logger"@en . "GeoSpectrum M8 hydrophone"@en . "GeoSpectrum M8Q hydrophone"@en . "GeoSpectrum M36-100 hydrophone"@en . "PNI Sensor Corporation TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass"@en . "Nanometrics Trillium 120 Posthole 120 PH seismometer"@en . "Technicap PPS 3-3 24S sediment trap series"@en . "Consilium SAL T2+ acoustic correlation dual speed log"@en . "Biospherical QCR-2150 surface PAR sensor"@en . "Apollo SciTech AS-P3 combined pCO2 analyser and underway system"@en . "Wärtsilä ELAC SeaBeam 3050 MK II multibeam echosounder"@en . "Picarro G2401 gas analyser"@en . "K.U.M. LOBSTER-6000 K/MT 510 ocean bottom seismometer system"@en . "Wärtsilä ELAC SeaBeam 3030 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg HiPAP 102 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system"@en . "Teledyne Reson SeaBat T20 R multibeam echosounder"@en . "Vaisala HUMICAP 180R HMP155 humidity and temperature probe"@en . "Seapoint Rhodamine fluorometer"@en . "Biospherical Instruments Profiling Natural Fluorometer"@en . "Dr.Haardt BackScat I (in situ) fluorometer series"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCAT IMP-CTP-IDO (submersible) CTD sensor"@en . "Trimble SPS 461 (modular) GPS receiver"@en . "AML Oceanographic SV-Xchange sound velocity sensor"@en . "AML Oceanographic T-Xchange temperature sensor"@en . "Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S200 multiple generations clock synchronsiser"@en . "Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S350 multiple generations clock synchronsiser"@en . "Applied Acoustics Dura-Spark 410 Sparker System"@en . "Sequoia LISST 25 in-situ particle sizer series"@en . "Seapoint Ultraviolet fluorometer"@en . "Symmetricom TymServe 2100"@en . "RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor"@en . "RBR Maestro3 Multiparameter logger system"@en . "GURALP Aquarius ocean bottom seismometer"@en . "Biospherical Instruments QSR 2150 surface reference radiometer"@en . "Sartorius ME 5 Micro-Balance"@en . "Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 Organic Elemental Analyzer"@en . "Dynamic Gravity Systems AT1 marine gravimeter"@en . "Teledyne Reson TC4032 hydrophone"@en . "Kukseflux SR20 D2 {Digital secondary} pyranometer"@en . "Kipp and Zonen SGR3 V pyrgeometer"@en . "Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G3 Glider Navigation data logger"@en . "RM Young 86000 ultrasonic anemometer"@en . "KC Denmark Research Equipment KC pore-water pressing bench sediment porewater extractor"@en . "Sage Science BluePippin DNA size selection device"@en . "Thermco Blue Spirit Liquid Thermometer ACC091CBLS"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO BB2F combined scattering meter and fluorometer"@en . "Hiden 3F-PIC/1000 mass spectrometer"@en . "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [custom] Helium Isotope Mass Spectrometer System - Lott and Jenkins (1984)"@en . "Ocean-Bottom Instrumentation Consortium (Universities of Durham and Southampton) LC-LJ1 ocean bottom seismograph"@en . "Applied Acoustics Squid 2000 sparker system"@en . "Sercel GI-SOURCE 210 air gun"@en . "Elementar Vario EL Cube elemental analyser"@en . "Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon Analyser series"@en . "Kongsberg EM 304 multibeam echosounder"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) PI50 catch monitoring system"@en . "Sea-Bird Scientific {WET Labs} SeaOWL UV-A Sea Oil-in-Water Locator"@en . "Geonica METEODATA 3000C data logger"@en . "Skye SKU 430 UVB sensor"@en . "Ocean Sonics icListen SC35 ETH smart hydrophone"@en . "Nortek Glider1000 AD2CP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler"@en . "Aanderaa 3455 air temperature sensor"@en . "Aanderaa 2810 air pressure sensor"@en . "Sofar Ocean Spotter wave buoy"@en . "Becton Dickinson FACScan flow cytometer"@en . "Precision Measurement Engineering miniPAR (submersible) data logger"@en . "Sonardyne SPRINT-Nav 700 (400 kHz) subsea navigation system"@en . "Carlo Erba NA 2500 (NCS) elemental analyser"@en . "Kongsberg HiPAP 502 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system"@en . "Sperry Marine NAVIGAT 200 gyrocompass"@en . "Campbell Scientific CR6 data logger"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) PX Universal catch monitoring sensor"@en . "L-3 Communications SeaBeam 1050D multibeam echosounder"@en . "TriOS microFlu-blue fluorometer"@en . "Avantes AvaSpec 3648 Fibre Optic Spectrometer"@en . "Systea MicroMac 1000 portable analyser"@en . "Turner Designs 10AU fluorometer"@en . "Thermo Scientific HiPerTOC Total Organic Carbon analyser"@en . "Endress and Hauser Liquisys M CPM223/253 pH sensor"@en . "Meinsberg EGA 140 pH sensor"@en . "Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - IMBBC manually operated suction sampler for hard bottom benthos - Chatzigeorgiou, G., Dailianis, T., Faulwetter, S., Pettas, M., & Arvanitidis, C. (2013)"@en . "University of Washington Seaglider M6 Deepglider data logger"@en . "Sercel NR103 Differential Global Positioning System"@en . "iXblue Phins Surface Inertial Navigation System (INS)"@en . "Kongsberg SBP 29 sub-bottom profiler"@en . "Plessey 6500 conductivity sensor"@en . "Kipp and Zonen SMP22 pyranometer"@en . "Observator OMC-116M ultrasonic wind sensor"@en . "TSS 320B heave compensator"@en . "Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ turbidity probe and optical backscatter sensor"@en . "Onset HOBO Pendant UA-001-08 temperature logger"@en . "Onset HOBO Pendant MX2201 temperature logger"@en . "Plankton Analytics Pi-10 Plankton Imager"@en . "PerkinElmer Tri-carb 3180 TR-SL liquid scintillation counter"@en . "Teledyne Oceanscience Underway CTD"@en . "Varian 4970 proton magnetometer"@en . "NORBIT WBMS 12003-AFCDB4 400kHz (full ocean depth) multibeam echosounder"@en . "Magee Scientific AE33 Aethalometer"@en . "Campbell Scientific (Goodrich) 0871LH1 freezing rain sensor"@en . "Navstar 602D Navigator System"@en . "Magnavox MX100 GPS Navigator"@en . "Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence ph/Cond meter S470 Std-K"@en . "Kongsberg (Simrad) SC90 fish finding sonar"@en . "Microsemi X Li (multiple generations) clock synchroniser"@en . "Theodor Friedrichs 4034.1000 anemometer"@en . "Kipp and Zonen CMP6 pyranometer"@en . "Theodor Friedrichs 4122.0000 wind direction sensor"@en . "Atlas Deso 20 Single-beam echosounder"@en . "Thales Ashtech Aquarius2 GPS receiver"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-IRB scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "Guralp Maris ocean bottom seismometer"@en . "Turner Designs 111 fluorometer"@en . "Plessey 5175 oxygen sensor"@en . "Allied Vision Technologies Prosilica GC1290C camera"@en . "Axis Communications 214 (PTZ) network camera"@en . "Axis Communications M5014 (PTZ mini dome) network camera"@en . "Sea-Bird SBE SeapHOx V2 conductivity, temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen system"@en . "National Oceanography Centre Autosub6000 camera system"@en . "Sea-Bird HydroCycle-PO4 phosphate sensor"@en . "Precision Measurement Engineering miniDOT data logger"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBPC scattering fluorescence sensor"@en . "Apollo SciTech AS-D1 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and delta13C preparation system and analyser"@en . "RBR Quartz 3 BPR Zero bottom pressure recorder"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet FL3SLO fluorescence sensor"@en . "Qiagen TissueLyser II Tissue processor"@en . "Knudsen KEL 771 dual frequency transducer"@en . "Vaisala HUMICAP 180RC HMP155 humidity and temperature probe"@en . "Pro-Oceanus GTD-Pro dissolved gas sensor"@en . "Campbell Scientific CR3000 data logger"@en . "Setra 278 barometer"@en . "Guralp Orcus ocean bottom seismometer"@en . "Axis Communications P1347 network camera"@en . "Axis Communications P1364 network camera"@en . "Imenco Tiger Shark camera"@en . "Insite Pacific Pegasus camera"@en . "Kongsberg Maritime OE14-366/367 camera"@en . "Nikon D800 camera"@en . "Axis Communications P1375 network camera"@en . "Axis Communications Q6034 (PTZ dome) network camera"@en . "Ocean Presence Technologies OceanCam OPT-06 HDE camera"@en . "Ocean Presence Technologies OceanCam OPT-10 camera series"@en . "Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom camera"@en . "Panasonic BB-HCM580 camera"@en . "SubC Imaging 1Cam Mk6 camera series"@en . "SubC Imaging Rayfin HDE-SD-6000-DBH13-Zoom camera"@en . "Axis Communications Q6044 (PTZ dome) network camera"@en . "Axis Communications Q6074-E (PTZ dome) network camera"@en . "McLane Large Volume Water Transfer System"@en . "DeepSea Power & Light Multi SeaCam MSC-1060 (low-light black and white) camera"@en . "GoPro HERO3+ Black camera"@en . "Imenco SDS 12100 (digital stills) camera"@en . "Metrohm 721 Titrino Titrator"@en . "SIDUS Solutions SS429DN IP camera system"@en . "Sony Cybershot DSC-F707 digital still camera"@en . "Sony SNC-RH124 camera"@en . "WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO MCOMS FLBB2 scattering and fluorescence sensor"@en . "Shimadzu TOC 500 Total Organic Carbon Analyser"@en . "Shimadzu GC-14 A gas chromatograph"@en . "Varian Star 3400 CX gas chromatograph"@en . "Carlo Erba 5160 (high resolution) gas chromatograph"@en . "Unspecified laboratory fluorometer"@en . "Unspecified bench salinometer"@en . "unknown"@en . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwUtewGCpT5vIfXYE1bmf/Uqu1ojqnWdYxv+ySO80ul8Gu7m8KoyPAwuvaPj0lvPtHrg000qMmkxzKhYknEjq8v7EerxZNYp5B3/3+5ZpuWOYAs78UnQVjbHSmDdmryr4D4VvvNIiUmd0yxci47dTFUj4DvfHnGd6hVe5+goqdcwIDAQAB" . "TrRmnPkwIFyOw+fsZlTMHPChlbk9C0nrA58oom/pjV2s/4d6kcMB+BoAdZul+rYlzVVAZBfH01ulAAYwLlLtlo54HyKDEECEr6qjet+APsMyf/Oe2IWG7BEY2u+6pSFu50xrGdXCp/NYsFY5jpBjPAbGs1VF97BxQdQN4W1u+CA=" . . .