. . . . . "This is the opinion of the representatives of the Trabslational Medicine community that participated in the GoFAIR FIP workshop 16th November 2020 - OncTM serves to translate oncology research and development from pre-clinical to clinical stages of development. We are a community of scientists, domain experts, informaticians and clinicians dedicated to finding cures for cancer." . "AZ Translational Medicine" . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDO4xkU+/dGujq1raR66QtRqquMxiJ9hm2uzc2uBj7bCBBRnWhTw7M8f77BqAFHShgxqxYTr2do7/tVmoKeM51ISyttxWrh9ebZRoz5o6Muxt7HyA4sLHAmnixeZ5VJfZzsKAmVN23Y2ZiCqMoXjtcp5jO2lOC0AXaGPftnaA8b9QIDAQAB" . "AoJLKOIMfudEl0Yz6DI9oYHFd4llqzFmnQsEcTECHQC1J8RFOLLe34YsMPb7HKTRtyWAfsimu0M7MgdZVhDduk8tCyGwMrtBCW6tgj0Q/iqUeGwYFLCtG2EloguhuO5GNQajUsSRIqizh5vDrlNtCAAzAZmNBJMIq2bs2lu562s=" . . "2020-11-16T15:47:30.356+01:00"^^ . . . . . .