. . . . . . . "[We analyzed the expression of deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), UMP/CMP-kinase (UMP/CMP-K), nucleotide diphosphokinase (NDPK-B) and 5'-nucleotidases cN-II, cN-III, cdN and mdN by quantitative polymerase chain reaction at diagnosis in leukemic blasts from 96 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated with ara-C. Our results show that high mRNA levels of cN-II and low mRNA levels of cN-III are correlated with a worse clinical outcome and suggest that these enzymes may have a role in sensitivity to ara-C in AML patients.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en . . . . . "2017-02-19"^^ . . "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en . "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en . "2017-10-17T13:18:31+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "v5.0.0.0" . "v5.0.0" .