. . . . . . "Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), also known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group, is a is a not-for-profit, scientific and educational association formed to establish international collaboration among the creators, managers and users of biodiversity information and to promote the wider and more effective dissemination and sharing of knowledge about the world's heritage of biological organisms. It is affiliated with the International Union of Biological Sciences. TDWG was formed to establish international collaboration among biological database projects. TDWG promoted the wider and more effective dissemination of information about the World's heritage of biological organisms for the benefit of the world at large. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) now focuses on the development of standards for the exchange of biological/biodiversity data. The TDWG develops, adopts and promotes standards and guidelines for the recording and exchange of data about organisms. Additionally, it promotes the use of standards through the most appropriate and effective means. The TDWG acts as a forum for discussion through holding meetings and through publications. Logo covered under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License." . "TDWG | Biodiversity Information Standards Community" . . . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCFntPrMZqvg2kVhCNArNnEn37ddXGwZ/0r4C8CS4lDry7C7YkYgng9yb0UMZQUHiTVkR/5A4m/xjE+Vy+AnwcWUeB75SfGZjE5ylI6VeHjTHi9+2hh2PHYIWnkhU4WHl3COEnxSSa/VouvPzZ2BIWLH6fTrq7NNL3RF5hGegGG0QIDAQAB" . "WvjFzNgpPGtE+3i42XHz0R0AV9pCbUpC5LRAsHRjN3PnIaRGqGX4ZpvEArWsndEXiWjU8Jko1kJZ8NubfWzhZ4BjL4OtbtEjvRRk9JwRjSEqSwbSez33aIIKZgnJnSP5gDGPRbCvAJ46xpPkA1NZQAzrrZ8JTRf2QReidQ4oC20=" . . "2023-12-18T11:35:42.726Z"^^ . . . . . . . .