sub:provenance {
sub:assertion dcterms:description "[Various other protein products of genes associated with bipolar disorder either bind to or are affected by phosphatidyl-inositol phosphate products of this pathway (ADBRK2, HIP1R, KCNQ2, RGS4, WFS1), are associated with its constituent elements (BCR, DUSP6, FAT, GNAZ) or are downstream targets of this signalling cascade (DPYSL2, DRD3, GAD1, G6PD, GCH1, KCNQ2, NOS3, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, SST, TH, TIMELESS).]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en ;
wi:evidence dgn-void:source_evidence_literature ;
sio:SIO_000772 miriam-pubmed:17239488 ;
prov:wasDerivedFrom dgn-void:BEFREE ;
prov:wasGeneratedBy eco:ECO_0000203 .
dgn-void:BEFREE pav:importedOn "2017-02-19"^^
xsd:date .
dgn-void:source_evidence_literature a eco:ECO_0000212 ;
rdfs:comment "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en ;
rdfs:label "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en .