. . . . "DAPI staining"@en . "incubation"@en . "filtration, acidification"@en . "filtration, acidification, combustion"@en . "filtration, alkali hydrolysis"@en . "filtration, acidification, chelation, solvent extraction"@en . "filtration, combustion"@en . "filtration, freon extraction"@en . "filtration, in-line preconcentration"@en . "filtration, incubation"@en . "filtration, incubation in natural sunlight, enzyme reduction to DMS"@en . "filtration, incubation in natural sunlight, purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "incubation at constant temperature"@en . "filtration, incubation in the dark, enzyme reduction to DMS"@en . "filtration, incubation in the dark, purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "filtration, incubation in ultra-violet light, enzyme reduction to DMS"@en . "filtration, methanol extraction"@en . "filtration, no acidification"@en . "filtration, ortho-phthalaldehyde reaction"@en . "filtration, oxidation"@en . "filtration, plating"@en . "filtration, purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "filtration, reaction with orthophthalic acid"@en . "incubation in filtered seawater"@en . "filtration, suspension of residue in buffer solution, collection of liberated DMS"@en . "filtration, thin-film preparation"@en . "flux-diluted fused bead preparation"@en . "hydrolysis"@en . "filtration, hydrolysis"@en . "ignition at 400C"@en . "in-situ incubation"@en . "in-situ incubation dilution experiment"@en . "in-situ light and dark bottle incubation"@en . "methanol extraction"@en . "in-situ pore water sampling, filtration"@en . "in-situ pore water sampling, filtration, chelation, solvent extraction"@en . "incubation in the dark"@en . "incubation at full natural light level"@en . "incubation under ultra-violet light"@en . "leaching"@en . "light and dark bottle incubation"@en . "mesocosm simulated resuspension"@en . "no acidification"@en . "no preservation and no staining"@en . "not applicable"@en . "on-deck incubation"@en . "on-deck incubation with nutrients, filtration"@en . "on-deck incubation without nutrients, filtration"@en . "on-deck light and dark bottle incubation"@en . "on-deck mesocosm incubation"@en . "oxalic acid extraction"@en . "no staining"@en . "oxidation"@en . "persulphate digestion"@en . "digestion, purification, plating"@en . "plating"@en . "polyacrylamide gel probe sampling"@en . "purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "not specified"@en . "sediment trapping, acetone extraction"@en . "sediment trapping, acid digestion"@en . "sediment trapping, acid hydrolysis"@en . "sediment trapping, acidification"@en . "sediment trapping, combustion"@en . "sediment trapping, methanol extraction"@en . "sediment trapping, no acidification"@en . "sediment trapping, oxidation"@en . "sediment trapping, solvent extraction"@en . "sediment trapping, volume measurement, drying"@en . "on-deck incubation dilution experiment"@en . "shower-head equilibration with air, drying"@en . "siphoning"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, DCMU poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, DCMU poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, antibiotic poisoning, incubation in the dark, cascade filtration"@en . "on-deck incubation with nutrients"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, antibiotic poisoning, incubation in the dark, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, azide poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, azide poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, azide poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, in-situ incubation, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, in-situ incubation, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, diffusion extraction of gas"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "on-deck incubation without nutrients"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, diffusion extraction of gas"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 23uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 530uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 530uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 80uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at 80uE/m2/s light level, filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at different light levels, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at different light levels, filtration"@en . "DAPI/proflavine staining"@en . "parallel incubations with and without grazers, acridine orange staining"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration, acidification"@en . "tracer doping, incubation at unspecified light levels, filtration, acidification"@en . "tracer doping, incubation in the dark"@en . "tracer doping, incubation in the dark, cascade filtration"@en . "picking"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation in the dark, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, on-deck incubation"@en . "tracer doping, on-deck incubation at full natural light level, cascade filtration"@en . "tracer doping, on-deck incubation at full natural light level, filtration"@en . "tracer doping, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, cascade filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration, acidification"@en . "volume measurement, drying"@en . "3H leucine doping, incubation in the dark, centrifugation"@en . "polymerase chain reaction with True Agg58 primer; serial dilution"@en . "wet sieving"@en . "wet sieving, acid digestion"@en . "wet sieving, acid digestion, stannous chloride reduction"@en . "wet sieving, acidification"@en . "wet sieving, drying"@en . "wet sieving, ignition at 400C"@en . "wet sieving, no acidification"@en . "melting of core section"@en . "micromilling"@en . "polymerase chain reaction with p1-7 primer; serial dilution"@en . "bulk aerosol extraction"@en . "eosin staining"@en . "unfiltered seawater incubation in the dark"@en . "parallel incubations with and without added grazers"@en . "parallel screened water incubations with and without added grazers, grazer removal, filtration, acidification"@en . "parallel screened water incubations with and without added grazers, grazer removal, filtration"@en . "polymerase chain reaction with p3-42 primer; serial dilution"@en . "polymerase chain reaction with universal primer; serial dilution"@en . "preservation and no staining"@en . "screening, in-situ incubation dilution experiment"@en . "screening, on-deck incubation dilution experiment"@en . "acetone extraction"@en . "sediment trapping"@en . "sieving and picking under an optical microscope"@en . "size fractionation"@en . "unspecified staining"@en . "vacuum filtration"@en . "variable volume sampling, sieving, picking"@en . "0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride + 25% acetic acid leaching"@en . "14C leucine doping, incubation, acidification, purging and trapping CO2"@en . "14C-glucose doping, incubation in the dark, purging with air, acid washing"@en . "14CO3 doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s, acidification, scintillant addition"@en . "acridine orange staining"@en . "14CO3 doping, incubation in the dark, acidification, scintillant addition"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, cascade filtration, acidification"@en . "drying, grinding, NaOH extraction and filtration"@en . "protocol of Barber et al. (1994)"@en . "high temperature reduction in contact with zinc"@en . "equilibration with and cryogenic trapping of CO2"@en . "SYBR Green I staining"@en . "high temperature reduction in contact with carbon"@en . "laboratory rock sample leaching"@en . "filtration, DNA extraction, PicoGreen staining"@en . "leaching with 1M ammonium acetate at pH 7"@en . "filtration, DNA extraction, PicoGreen staining, primer selection"@en . "Soxhlet extraction"@en . "cascade impaction"@en . "filtration, water leaching"@en . "filtration, water leaching, acid hydrolysis of the leachate"@en . "filtration, water leaching, acid hydrolysis of the residue"@en . "photolytic conversion to NO"@en . "filtration, leaching with pH 4.7 ammonium acetate buffer"@en . "solvent extraction"@en . "filtration, incubation at unspecified light level, purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "1M sodium acetate at pH 5 + 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride leaching"@en . "filtration, sudan-1 synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, sudan-1 synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification"@en . "preservation, filtration"@en . "preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting"@en . "separation in bromoform"@en . "filtration, Bligh and Dyer extraction"@en . "filtration, light and dark bottle incubation"@en . "isotopic dilution time-series incubations, filtration"@en . "purging, sorbent tube trapping"@en . "filtration, acidification, UV irradiation"@en . "1M sodium acetate leaching at pH 5"@en . "denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria"@en . "sediment trapping, digestion, purification, plating"@en . "filtration, DNA extraction"@en . "anion exchange chromatography"@en . "filtration, acidification, pre-concentration, ion-exchange chromatography"@en . "acidification, isotope dilution"@en . "filtration, acidification, isotope dilution"@en . "on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, DCMU poisoning"@en . "filtration, N, N-dimethylformamide extraction"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration, acidification, gas trapping"@en . "35-S DMS doping, incubation in the dark, filtration"@en . "filtration, indophenol synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, indophenol synthesis, SPE extraction"@en . "filtration, ethanol extraction"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, acidification, gas trapping"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, acidification"@en . "15N2-enriched seawater addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration"@en . "filtration, UV digestion"@en . "acid digestion of leached filter residue"@en . "filtration, acid leaching"@en . "filtration, denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria"@en . "35-S DMS tracer doping, incubation in the dark, filtration, purging of volatiles"@en . "filtration, NaOH hydrolysis, NaBH4 reduction"@en . "acidification, NaOH hydrolysis, NaBH4 reduction"@en . "acidification, NaOH hydrolysis"@en . "epibenthic sampling"@en . "filtration, precipitation, acidification"@en . "sieving, picking"@en . "marine snow catcher sampling, settling"@en . "filtration, ultrasonication extraction"@en . "leaching with 1M sodium acetate at pH 5 of leached sample residue from stage 1 of Chester et al (1988)"@en . "leaching with 1M sodium acetate at pH 5 + 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride of leached sample residue from stage 2 in Chester et al (1988)"@en . "35-S DMSP doping, incubation in the dark, filtration"@en . "leaching with 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride + 25% acetic acid of leached sample residue from stage 3 in Chester et al (1988)"@en . "filtration, pH adjusted to 7.2"@en . "filtration, pH adjusted to 7.6"@en . "filtration, pH adjusted to 8.05"@en . "leaching with H2O2 + 1M ammonium acetate at pH 2 of leached sample residue from stage 4 in Chester et al (1988)"@en . "acid digestion of leached sample residue"@en . "leaching with ascorbic acid"@en . "leaching with citrate dithionite of ascorbic acid-leached sample residue"@en . "15N-tracer addition, incubation, fixation, gas purging and trapping"@en . "distillation"@en . "AgI precipitation"@en . "square-mesh sieving, picking"@en . "round-mesh sieving, picking"@en . "drying, wet sieving <63um, dry sieving >63um"@en . "carbon-13 isotope-labelled tracer addition, dawn-to-dawn on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration"@en . "passive sampling"@en . "strong acid with HF acid digestion"@en . "Ce-AS reaction"@en . "EDTA/SDS extraction"@en . "dilution experiment incubations"@en . "H2O2 + 1M ammonium acetate leaching at pH 2"@en . "Millipore prefiltration"@en . "Millipore prefiltration purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "NaOH hydrolysis"@en . "PvI Incubation, cascade filtration"@en . "PvI incubation, acidification to remove residual inorganic 14C"@en . "PvI incubation, filtration"@en . "UV digestion"@en . "acid digestion"@en . "acid digestion of filter residue"@en . "acid leaching of filter residue"@en . "acid liberation, purification and trapping CO2"@en . "acidification, combustion"@en . "acidification"@en . "antibody doping"@en . "centrifugal extraction"@en . "centrifugal extraction, filtration"@en . "fixed volume sampling, sieving, picking"@en . "centrifugal extraction, filtration, acidification"@en . "centrifugation"@en . "centrifugation, acetone extraction"@en . "centrifugation, acid digestion"@en . "centrifugation, acidification"@en . "centrifugation, acidification, combustion"@en . "centrifugation, combustion"@en . "centrifugation, no acidification"@en . "chloroform extraction"@en . "grazing experiment based on the method of Gifford (1993)"@en . "combustion"@en . "combustion at 375C and acidification"@en . "compression into pellets"@en . "diffusive gel thin-film (DGT) sampling, extraction into HNO3"@en . "disaggregation"@en . "doping with fluorescine diacetate, incubation"@en . "drying"@en . "enzyme digestion, purging, cryogenic trapping"@en . "equilibration with air, drying"@en . "extraction by squeezing, filtration"@en . "identification by optical microscopy"@en . "extraction by squeezing, filtration, acidification"@en . "extraction by squeezing, filtration, barium/gelatine treatment"@en . "extraction, filtration"@en . "filtration"@en . "filtration with acid impregnated filter"@en . "filtration with Teflon filter"@en . "filtration, HgCl2 preservation"@en . "filtration, Mn absorption"@en . "filtration, acetone extraction"@en . "filtration, acid digestion"@en . "cascade filtration, acetone extraction"@en . "isotope-labelled tracer addition, pulse-chase incubations, fixation, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting"@en . "filtration, drying"@en . "centrifugal extraction, filtration, oxidation"@en . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwUtewGCpT5vIfXYE1bmf/Uqu1ojqnWdYxv+ySO80ul8Gu7m8KoyPAwuvaPj0lvPtHrg000qMmkxzKhYknEjq8v7EerxZNYp5B3/3+5ZpuWOYAs78UnQVjbHSmDdmryr4D4VvvNIiUmd0yxci47dTFUj4DvfHnGd6hVe5+goqdcwIDAQAB" . "RtoztURRWf7NAM+Jzo4HZ6GSWAlN9VdSK8S/dwI6ZIyHXN+fLu8CXNPWrZ1ZS+2psF8UVUAqHZI7Xoc6sVUGhtCyXN/lQG5JVC1GUhvePjqSdvPFcewKzLPvxckS2Px4zGTdRbnda+jBD1KfTQgNbrJuldSdIuUZBXVgVpbawFs=" . . .