sub:provenance { sub:assertiondcterms:description "[We validated three SNPs (rs78142040, rs9605146 and rs3848719) in additional ARDS patients to substantiate their associations with susceptibility, severity and outcome of ARDS. rs78142040 (C>T) occurs within a histone mark (intron 6) of the Arylsulfatase D gene. rs9605146 (G>A) causes a deleterious coding change (proline to leucine) in the XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 3 gene. rs3848719 (G>A) is a synonymous SNP in the Zinc-Finger/Leucine-Zipper Co-Transducer NIF1 gene. rs78142040, rs9605146, and rs3848719 are associated significantly with susceptibility to ARDS. rs3848719 is associated with APACHE II score quartile. rs78142040 is associated with 60-day mortality in the overall ARDS patient population.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en ; wi:evidencedgn-void:source_evidence_literature ; sio:SIO_000772miriam-pubmed:25372662 ; prov:wasDerivedFromdgn-void:BEFREE ; prov:wasGeneratedByeco:ECO_0000203 . dgn-void:BEFREEpav:importedOn "2017-02-19"^^xsd:date . dgn-void:source_evidence_literatureaeco:ECO_0000212 ; rdfs:comment "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en ; rdfs:label "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en . }