. . . . . . . "[Four hundred thirty-four patients with FTD, including primary progressive aphasia, semantic dementia, FTD/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), FTD/motor neuron disease, corticobasal syndrome/corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy, Pick disease, dementia lacking distinctive histopathology, and pathologically confirmed cases of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin-positive inclusions (FTLD-U); and 111 non-FTD cases (controls) in which TDP-43 deposits were a prominent neuropathological feature, including subjects with ALS, Guam ALS and/or parkinsonism dementia complex, Guam dementia, Alzheimer disease, multiple system atrophy, and argyrophilic grain disease.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en . . . . . "2017-02-19"^^ . . "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en . "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en . "2017-10-17T13:18:14+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "v5.0.0.0" . "v5.0.0" .