. . . . . "The OpenBiodiv knowledge graph contains semantic triples extracted from biodiversity literature" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "OpenBiodiv encompasses data extracted from more than 5000 scholarly articles published by Pensoft and many more taxonomic treatments extracted by Plazi from journals of other publishers. The data from both sources are converted to Resource Description Framework (RDF) and integrated in a graph database using the OpenBiodiv-O ontology and an RDF version of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) taxonomic backbone." . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwi1YMnpV5z/0oMXyFYDKS5cirQQWTMZ/jbglmVY1gl3YAgrkqsQUmgaxA/ho+VV8jsfREIL8PT2czbmCjGjMJoNaKVqJq1GoIUV9+Kj9yXxNySyDAOTDsIM0zdj1BEu5uNbtfzwQPGuhVpgLR05Uk/meCyYLPs3BxC5zRbtulmwIDAQAB" . "pmZ/8quR7corgWcB1Tpv48s1CSCOM732JC2vo6Ax22hs7R3FRfT3y5VOwKgONgCX0qs2LkKtTh/w61RozFml7xScRVTo7xl//NS4aJs0PXW10aAV+fIcY5shqkqRrn7juI//1vJx9NR2S5ZQPrWf70YUUKTHh8b0xpJJBMpbQNk=" . . "2021-07-07T11:09:15.963+03:00"^^ . . . . . .