. . . . . . . . "The provenance of the formalization needs to be a \"FormalizationActivity\", but at the moment the \"sub:quote\" field is missing. There a link to the article from which the scientific claim was taken needs to be specified (\"sub:quote prov:wasQuotedFrom \"), together with the quote from the article from which the scientific claim was derived (\"sub:quote prov:value \"add phrase from original article from which the scientific claim was extracted or rephrased\" \")." . "3" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCJlM78d80R+gFMoQB1IG3f7AbqqGOCIv4HmZd1cx1KgEWMUUpPsojFNvx84fC/TltcJ8F8JafnbhDXW2HM2MhdK4yC04ROEV1vIgSzjDicHfiqXvMqdPuMyQp4mmCEY7mUoeEW10mWZqjk+S9TnmiAQbFGcpExP8aosr2aTR7CSQIDAQAB" . "YDQy9jrAfVmagNF32fT+ks06HkXSILBgY0XfOoNSVEG+VFkPl9UM0DUrrPUIN/25xfnZFksdK0NvrV70glfjYodKms72KNsjdMPugUGFUv54x1LTqHQEtfrjMI4liMC+FtPEIqzUYBBx2g8N2gnslmhGQXQom2zAGUly4Y5lC6w=" . . "2021-10-06T00:38:58.979+03:00"^^ . . . . .