. . . . . . . . . "The SGA olanzapine is considered the most appropriate, followed by quetiapine and aripiprazole. Although off-label prescription of SGAs represents a common clinical practice in accordance with a worldwide trend, the use of long-acting injection formulations was considered inappropriate by 69% of psychiatrists in our sample. Attitudes on off-label use of Olanzapine in the treatment of BPD: Highly inappropriate = 26 (12.9%); Innapropriate = 26 (12.9%); Doubt = 86 (42.5%); Appropriate = 64 (31.7%); Highly appropriate = 0 (0%) " . . . . . . "Adults" . . "2021-08-16T20:58:34.150314"^^ . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCamPJb4SzqpLXn//XJ5dlVfzz6QI+RPmiJTLXF/by2JR7sHMKRsCQDFsYMlq8zGHghOIkjRP9dpLZUtZzUcHt3MXiFKEPo8eGzUe9p+JXKFC8xxkJr94z2vq6IdMf71Iu1GH8SeDAKt/DgYO4zNaw8VuXvxnZRewKZSA+u8zWPVwIDAQAB" . "c07ukXPDYB0bMSgiNyC9+tLiiHrOPqtSwuXHb3D2wTt0+KCyrYRhb7aUocrHljnLFA7Sem/jdS9SB7nUvBjlCORPqPK4mkrUjok1sSMpUFzxYnwm2D7lO6mSJKiN1YM5l9Gd/rXm7jJRwt87uewiWgbcyA37x8UaQxZzLjG94c8=" . . "2021-08-16T20:58:34.150314"^^ . . .