. . . . . . . "I agree that it was not clear that this is an instance. To address this review comment, I have created a new class (latest-release-of-openbiodiv), which is a subclass of software release (Q20631656) and related to openbiodiv-knowledge-graph, and I have updated the formalisation nanopub to say that 'The latest release of the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph contains semantic triples extracted from biodiversity literature'. Thank you for your review!" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwi1YMnpV5z/0oMXyFYDKS5cirQQWTMZ/jbglmVY1gl3YAgrkqsQUmgaxA/ho+VV8jsfREIL8PT2czbmCjGjMJoNaKVqJq1GoIUV9+Kj9yXxNySyDAOTDsIM0zdj1BEu5uNbtfzwQPGuhVpgLR05Uk/meCyYLPs3BxC5zRbtulmwIDAQAB" . "eFRSlCHowz8GQ+cPua5reC0IJrzirrbj7RW/jJ9w8KEU2xbpr/x6kqQLhNIMB0b8/RfnhCvTq81JhPEBF5zzD/Jea87Lg0g74e6x6/m/QQQcJyerR9CgxkzWANOd+VEP93WZxA8J0wghac+8S+sYR9PT8iBu7UD/esvLDEqtv70=" . . "2021-10-28T10:10:07.990+03:00"^^ . . . . .