. . . . . "2021-12-16T19:52:27.382407"^^ . "S&T TWOC project version 2" . "2"^^ . "with standard care alone" . "150"^^ . "compared" . "[136]" . "use of intravenous dexamethasone plus standard care" . "122"^^ . "kmvq6bit" . "Conclusions and Relevance Among patients with COVID-19 and moderate or severe ARDS, use of intravenous dexamethasone plus standard care compared with standard care alone resulted in a statistically significant increase in the number of ventilator-free days (days alive and free of mechanical ventilation) over the first 28 days." . "kmvq6bit-TRIPLE-ABSTRACT-12" . "standard" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCSLeezU8JYlBsrgXOGXX4fxOq4oydsMzMK1CN0Rez2OEd2IYk18R4DetcZXwGhN3Pil7qcgNkiGvTirJXIo8zHl7jVehs19EdYtrttCKEaXRzWIr4LuCrfGedkvonEMWqR8e1GdQsLgEEyM50BD6Qw+srQt9ozcqf/9wG2MAMX9QIDAQAB" . "jJeDbYphJ983FQtwz/3zwe+NGyKvUzX47l5BEqBv3MxlnqV5Txy/tACc7abhJiXsST+U4+0RsgdDxqVocq6Fu5/EILu6d/auagCkEmattAn9N2hEtOGmPtfqWYO0Y8aXOUze388dz5abKrd/VUS7HNWWu6EZoYwnoV1+lc+jD5w=" . . "2021-12-16T19:52:27.382407"^^ . .