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receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, and 34 6 (95%CI 22 1–79 0, p <0 05) in patients receiving oxygen only (with or without noninvasive ventilation) dexamethasone increased mortality compared with usual care in patients not requiring oxygen supplementation, leading to a NNH value of 26 7 (95%CI 18 1–50 9, p <0 05) NNT of dexamethasone vs usual care was 17 3 (95%CI 14 9–20 6) in subjects <70 years, 27 0 (95%CI 18 5–49 8) in men, and 16 2 (95%CI 13 2–20 8) in patients in which the onset of symptoms was >7 days dexamethasone is effective in male subjects <70 years that require invasive mechanical ventilation experiencing symptoms from >7 days and those patients receiving oxygen without invasive mechanical ventilation;it should be avoided in patients not requiring respiratory support" } ] }, { "@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#triple", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label" : [ { "@value" : "dexamethasone is in male subjects & lt;70 years" } ] } ], "@id" : 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