. . . . . "In the context of Digital Humanities research, usage of the Linked Data Scopes ontology contributes to transparency of the research." . . . . . . . . . . . "With the rise of data driven methods in the humanities, it becomes necessary to develop reusable and consistent methodological patterns for dealing with the various data manipulation steps. This increases transparency, replicability of the research. Data scopes present a qualitative framework for such methodological steps. In this work we present a Linked Data model to represent and share Data Scopes" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCUtUS5tVuMGtBUJ+dpxk0EKcI3xKBG4efTcKjAMHeQj6b+liabAld6kXxQKQIRVQomBKOcvoYJ9oTC4K4AMUPMfQsPSLt1noFxSahw86AXdAh7kWiVZu04Vs0NDuPPUOWwRQjXRf6gYFLQu3gA5o0PkWd7FZ6lrum6lNmi/LFQdwIDAQAB" . "N5Hv7EGA3/7bgw3qviB0+Z7KmLikshfWX8Lb5nZuvMs7RdJnH9BwttR9M2fFopg9JAHM3bcDkCY/Wkh84QN6CIJKTjxSO8gaLGleSWvA/Bru+l5y54DeeLjsnYC7tGy6TdLGbOnEiSt/81/4ti/1iR2qcRQfsV72UgOF5FPsqCQ=" . . "2021-10-26T14:15:44.168+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . .